Cloud Contact Centre
True Cloud Contact Centre Engagement
Today, many companies find that traditional contact centres, which were built on-premise, with a costly capital expenditure model, need frequent upgrades to hardware, software and other business assets to remain relevant. With Digiserve’s Cloud Contact Centre (CCC) you now have the flexibility to pay based on your required call centre usage – and scale up and down to match your business needs. You can now better manage your costs, with demand and empower your business with greater agility, scalability, flexibility and reliability.
Digiserve’s Cloud Contact Centre solution enables you to take control of technology and create an agile, state-of-the-art service experience, with greater business control and commercial flexibility. With the Cloud, you can forget about costly hardware and software maintenance and upgrade costs.
CCC uses Cloud technology to change the way businesses traditionally access, manage and pay for communications technology in and out of the contact centre. Digiserve believes that on premises and hosted technology models cannot optimally provide the agility, scalability and innovation to deliver the best possible customer experience.
Digiserve delivers leading edge CCC software and innovation supported by ipSCAPE and backed by resilient hosting and network services. Our Cloud Contact Centre solution is based and encrypted in Indonesia to ensure that your customer data is meeting regulatory requirements and will give you the following benefits:


Discuss how this solution can unleash the true potential of your business,
contact Digiserve now!