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Wireless LAN (WLAN)
Pada era digital, tren pekerjaan yang mobile terus berkembang dengan banyaknya akses hotspot publik dan SaaS (Software as a Service). Menjawab tantangan ini, departemen IT memerlukan solusi yang holistik untuk memulai dan me-manage WLAN yang aman dan memiliki performa tinggi.
MNS – Managed WLAN mampu menjamin delivery pelayanan yang cepat, gesit, serta solusi yang terfokus sesuai kebutuhan operasional Anda. Dengan tersedianya layanan jaringan dengan skala terbesar dalam industri, tingkatkan juga user experience dan customer insights pada jaringan yang termonitor secara profesional.

Reduce Cost and Create Simplicity
Reduce the cost of managing complex WLAN infrastructure with end-to-end SLAs available to ensure appropriate service levels. Free up technical resources, boost productivity and drive innovation in business processes and grow revenue opportunities.

Faster Problem Resolution
Provision of service desk and service assurance support, including; event monitoring, proactive incident notification, online fault reporting with Single Point of Contact (SPOC). Faster problems resulotion with IT visibility into applications, network and end user experience.

Reliable and Secure Management
Enjoy reliable and secure management of networks and devices to help accelerate productivity without draining internal resources or increasing exposure to undue security risks. The service desk will monitor and handle all change management on the customer’s behalf.

Superior Visibility and Control
IT organisations can apply access and security policies for staff, guests, contractors and the public - including BYOD. This can extend across sites by device, user role and application.

High Availability
High availability with different service level targets building upon customer needs.

Out-of-Band architecture
Streamlines large WLAN networks with thousands of access points. Only selected information and data is stored in the cloud.

Disaster Recovery
Flexible provisioning for speedy deployment and rapid failover in the event of hardware failure or natural disaster.

Sign on Mechanisms
Open or secure sign-on with different levels of access policy and customized splash page, where visitors are presented with a click through/ sign on splash page or specified web page.

Supported by globally distributed data centres where customer’s data is stored across several secure and independent data centres in real time and nightly archival backups.

Service Security
24x7 automated intrusion detection, multiple choices of authentication options, content filtering, protected via IP and port-based firewalls and administrators automatically alerted on configuration changes.

Discuss how this solution can unleash the true potential of your business,
contact Digiserve now!