
Cloud Communications Platforms Are Here To Stay

Tue 30 July 2019, telkomtelstra

Multi-Channel Communication is the Future

Modern communication technologies have increased our ability to connect with groups and individuals faster and in more detailed ways. To some extent though, it has also diluted the potency of the conversations we have. Smartphones have given us multiple, content-rich options to communicate, but the explosion of multiple communication channels can sometimes over-complicate even the simplest of tasks.

As we move throughout our day, we text, IM, email and talk, constantly collaborating, sharing and generating new ideas. However, if you are like many corporate professionals, your inbox is often overflowing, your thumbs are calloused from overuse and sometimes at the end of the day, it can feel like you have only just made a small dent in the barrage of requests you receive across a whole range of communication channels.

Despite the value it brings, communication can be overwhelming when unmanaged. From a technological evolution standpoint, we are living in the ‘Wild West’ of communication channels – there are so many options. Your colleagues can choose to reach out via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Line, Yammer, or any number of other platforms in the same day. Whilst this can be an annoyance in social circles, in a business context this can require far more timely and meaningful ways to manage communication traffic. It is for these reasons and many others which highlight the importance of adopting Cloud Communication Platforms.

Internal Applications

Imagine a SaaS tool that can improve the clarity, timeliness and flexibility of your business’s communications, while still working within an organisation’s established processes. Most research shows that employees love to text so why not use the same preferred communication channel to send dynamic surveys and feedback messages to your teams on the go? Cutting through the noise at critical moments with a direct text to every person in the company, has proven to be a highly effective way to notify people in an instant and is even more valuable with read receipt! These platforms are adaptive and interactive, providing critical and informative messages to staff, suppliers and executives ensuring your messages go to the right people, at the right time.

Customer Applications

Directing multiple channels of communication more efficiently and effectively is critical in customer relationships. Customer journeys are marked with multiple conversations during the buying cycle. Targeting the right messages at the right time to customers can be the difference between winning and losing a deal.

Do you have a strong call centre team but not enough people managing social media that can often overwhelm staff with direct social enquiries? Directing easily-answered enquiries to a standard email, voice reply or online tool can save time and cost to your bottom line. The right mix will always be different depending on the needs of the business, but you’ll be surprised by both the versatility and the depth of the analytics insight available to you on cloud communication platforms.

Managing communications is crucial for customer engagements and communicating operationally. In today’s world of multi-channel communication, ensure your business can leverage the power of new technology, while still keeping the value of a simple and personable conversation.